
Ad Placement Tactics

Ad Placement Tactics You May Not Know

In the past, we’ve talked plenty about engagement, viewability and layout optimization. While the basics are easy to understand, making decisions can sometimes be less so. What do you do when viewability comes at the expense of engagement? Or when your partner policies are in conflict with the user experience? Well, there’s rarely a straight answer that works for everyone. But we’re here to give you some specific ad placement tactics that you can most likely implement right away.


Understanding Performance Fluctuations Over Time

A common question among publishers, is why there are certain performance fluctuations over the year both traffic- and revenue-wise. For many, these changes appear random. This leads to having a tough time trying to evaluate the state of the business and making informed decisions. Luckily, there are common reasons behind the fluctuations, and today we’re here to explore why and when these changes occur, how to prepare for them, and how to read your data correctly.


Viewability Debunked: Industry Trends and Tips for Optimization

If you’ve been following our blog you may have noticed we mention viewability quite often and for good reason. It’s amongst one of the key factors for evaluating inventory. This is hardly a surprise considering that the purpose of ads is above all to be in view. The advancements in technology now allow much more precise tracking of this metric than ever before. It has definitely been well received by advertisers overall. On the other hand, for publishers, the topic of viewability and it’s optimization has been a rather controversial one. It has led many to change their long-established practices completely. Having a precise record of an ad’s on-screen time has its pros as well, but it’s definitely taken a toll on media owners and has changed things irreversibly for both programmatic and direct sales.


Building Lasting Demand Partnerships

This March was eventful for PubGalaxy, especially for our Demand Partnerships Manager, Pavel Mitev. He got on a trip around North America to meet with a few of our demand partners, namely OpenX, IndexExchange and DistrictM. In a global world where everything happens over the Internet, meeting people in-person makes all the difference for building lasting relationships. Pavel’s first stop was Pasadena where he got see the OpenX HQ and exchange views on industry trends and developments. They talked about PubGalaxy’s priorities for 2019 and potential partnership opportunities.


Top 5 Tips: How To Be Attractive To Advertisers

Programmatic monetization has been improving rapidly and has become quite sophisticated nowadays. However, direct advertising partnerships are yet to become obsolete. Such deals bring plenty of benefits to both publishers and advertisers, despite the fact that it’s usually quite time consuming to secure, manage and deliver on them. If you’ve never run direct campaigns before or you’re just starting out you may need a little help. Here are our top 5 tips for being successful in doing so:


Mobile vs Desktop – Optimization for different devices.

Mobile browsing has been around for quite a while now. It’s been a real paradigm shift for many people in the business, especially lifelong desktop users. In the past, media owners could simply make a few adjustments so that their websites are adaptable to the smaller, vertical screens of portable devices. And that was good enough. For better or for worse that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. The advancement in hardware and connectivity has lead to an exponential increase in mobile activity. Today we’re seeing more and more publishers picking up the pace and creating a tailored experience for phones and tablets. And they are using the technology to their advantage.

Layout Optimization

Layout optimization for long-term growth

The rapid evolution of advertising and publishing technology has lead to a more transparent, streamlined business model. But also a significant increase in the resources required for managing all the assets coming into play. While the benefits of programmatic are undeniable, the current state of affairs is also the underlying cause for neglecting certain practices. That requires a bespoke approach for each web property, such as layout optimization. For that reason, we wanted to give you a brief overview of the process. It’s of high importance for digital publishing and how it can help grow your business.